About Jennifer Witten

Conscious Parenting Expert

While we are more than our titles and degrees, they are the backbone of the services I am able to provide parents from all walks of life, including people like you. My journey hasn’t always been easy, but it has allowed me to learn lessons that will help me guide you to a better future for yourself and your family.

My Journey to Conscious Parenting

Have you ever felt grief so thick it choked the air? That's exactly where I found myself, crumpled on the couch after losing my dearest friend of 30 years. The pain was physical, a throbbing echo of the emotional earthquake that had just struck. With a family to care for and a world spinning out of control, I hit rock bottom.

But within that despair, a lifeline emerged. My mentor's words, "Our issues are in our tissues," became the seed of truth that sprouted into my own healing journey. Now, I want to be that guiding light for you, too.

Life throws curveballs, doesn't it? For me, it was a never-ending rotation of chronic migraines, anxiety, and constant aches mirroring the weight I carried. Even a kidney diagnosis piled on. Then came motherhood, a beautiful whirlwind with its own challenges.

Raising a son with ADHD, witnessing an eating disorder, and holding space for crippling anxiety felt like carrying the world. Exhausted and lost, I questioned who I even was. 

But amidst the chaos, a whisper emerged – the voice of my nervous system. It turns out this intricate network stores every experience, every tear unshed, and every truth left unspoken. It holds onto stress, fear, and anxiety, desperate to be heard. Left unchecked, it becomes overloaded, it's only cry for help being pain.

Parents, especially mothers, carry this burden. We hold children's worries close, no wonder we feel drained.

My journey to becoming your guide is paved with experience. Certifications in Trauma Informed Coaching and Conscious Parenting, along with Reiki Master training, deepened my understanding of energy flow and the power within your body. Somatic Breathwork, a tool that reconnects you to your innate wisdom, became another pillar of my approach. 

See, conscious parenting and breathwork go hand in hand. Both practices help us access the wisdom within and create a calmer, more present space for ourselves and our children.  I'm here to teach you how to use these tools to navigate the challenges of parenthood and rediscover the strength and resilience you already possess.

This path wasn't easy. It took courage, compassion, and the belief that healing is a shared journey, best taken one breath at a time.

My philosophy is still evolving, much like yours. But I firmly believe your body holds the key. We can't erase the past, but through breathwork and conscious parenting practices, we can face it head-on.

True liberation comes from accepting what was, grieving it, letting it go, and stepping into the present. You are worthy and magnificent, and your journey to rediscovering that starts here, with every conscious breath.

With light,


Professional Qualifications

Drawing on my diverse background, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to my role as a practitioner. I am trained in Conscious Parenting through Dr. Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Method™ Certification Program and in Somatic Breathwork by Steven Jaggers of SomatIQ, recognizing the profound connection between breath and emotional well-being for parents. My approach is further enriched by my certification as a Trauma-Informed Coach through Mastin Kipp's program, along with being a Reiki Master trained by Marie Manuchehri.

My philosophy emphasizes the importance of acknowledging childhood's impact on our present lives. I believe that courageously confronting past pain is essential for liberation and self-worth. I advocate for processing past experiences through grief and letting go, leading to the embrace of both the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of ourselves.

My Approach to Parenting and Wellness

I want to help you navigate parenthood and wellness with a personalized approach. I combine my diverse background and training to create a supportive space for growth. Let's explore mindful parenting, harness the power of breathwork, and navigate emotional challenges – together.

I warmly invite you to connect with me by exploring my free resources, joining my conscious community, listening to the podcast, or shopping my curated collection of conscious parenting must-have’s. And let’s be friends on Instagram! Links below.

It’s time to explore a more conscious way of being.

And come say hi on Instagram.