Breathwork Basics: A Guide for Parents to Manage Stress and Find Calm

Ever feel like you're drowning in laundry and dishes? You’re not alone.

My name is Jen, and I’m a Conscious Parenting coach and breathwork practitioner. I’m here today to share with you knowledge and insights I’ve learned about managing stress and finding calm in the chaos of parenting. 

This guide will help you learn about the transforming potential of breathwork for parents. Read the following tips to learn easy ways to improve well-being, reduce stress, and create a calm haven in the middle of the daily grind.

So let’s dive in.

Understanding Breathwork

Breathwork has been used by humans for thousands of years and is derived from yoga. Its primary concept is to nourish your body and mind when you breathe in and expel toxins and tension when you breathe out. 

When you intentionally take the time to decelerate and breathe deeply and slowly, your brain feels reassured. Your body receives a signal from your brain telling it to relax. As the fight-or-flight reaction wanes, your body is able to settle into a calmer, more centered state.

Why is Breathwork Helpful for Parents?

There are several advantages to breathwork for parents juggling the demands of modern day life. Parents can improve mental clarity and attention, lower stress and anxiety, and improve emotional regulation by intentionally using breathwork. 

The Benefits Extend Beyond You

The amazing thing about breathwork is that the benefits don't stop with you! When you're feeling calmer and more centered, it trickles down to your whole family.

Imagine this: a meltdown happens (because let's be honest, they will!), but instead of feeling like you're about to explode too, you can take a few deep breaths and approach the situation with empathy and understanding.  This leads to:

  • Stronger Communication, Calm conversations create fertile ground for better communication with your child. ️

  • More Empathy. Taking a deep breath can help you see things from your child's perspective and foster a more compassionate connection.

  • Better Patience. A little breathwork goes a long way in helping you stay patient with your little one, even when they're pushing your buttons.

Breathwork empowers parents to manage overwhelming situations effectively, promoting overall well-being and resilience. With consistent practice, breathwork becomes a powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness, self-awareness, and a deeper connection with oneself and one's family.

Getting Started with Breathwork

To begin incorporating breathwork into their daily routine, parents should locate a peaceful, cozy area where they can engage in uninterrupted breathing exercises. Whether it's before bed, during a break at work, or during your morning ritual, dedicating a short period of time each day to breathwork is useful. 

Furthermore, looking through internet resources such as this one can be beneficial because they provide parents with individualized breathing exercises that fit their schedules, which makes it simpler to create a regular practice.

While there are many kinds of breathwork to help relax your body and mind, the following are some of my favorites.

Box Breathing

  • Take four deep breaths.

  • Count to four while holding your breath.

  • Breathe out four times.

  • For four counts, hold your empty lungs.

  • Continue these same steps for a few minutes.

Deep Belly Breathing

  • Lay down in a comfortable place.

  • Put your left hand on your chest, and your right hand on your abdomen.

  • Breathe deeply through your nose.

  • You should feel your stomach expanding as air enters your lungs.

  • Let your belly drop, emptying your lungs slowly.

  • Keep repeating this pattern, trying to maintain a slow pace.

Breathwork Is An Amazing Tool For Stress Management for Parents

Including breathwork in your daily practice can significantly improve your ability to find peace and manage stress while juggling the responsibilities of parenting. Parents can develop a sense of inner calm, emotional resilience, and connection with their children by engaging in deep belly breathing exercises and other mindfulness practices.

If you're ready to try breathwork, I invite you to join me for a free guided breathwork session. This session is something to be done on your own, to help you release tension and find more patience and resilience from within.

Let's build a haven for our families, a place where everyone feels safe to express themselves and grow. By working together, we can establish healthy communication and lasting connections.

Have any questions for me? Reach out today, and let's breathe easier together.

With light,



Breathwork for Parent-Child Conflict Resolution