What People Are Saying

"Wow, my first experience with energy healing and I’m a firm believer. Not only is Jennifer so easy to talk to, her work with my body was spot on and she intuitively knew what I needed. My back and spine feel so limber and clear for the first time in months, maybe years… I also love that I have more tools to keep things moving and my nervous system in check. Thank you!"

— Alex L

“This was my first experience with Reiki. I am so glad that Jennifer was the person to introduce me to the gift that this form of self care and healing is. I cannot sing her praises high enough. I felt tremendous change and healing and growth during our session and I look forward to the next time.”

— Cassidy Alumbaugh D.C.

“Jennifer is amazing! She is calm, gifted, and understands the healing connection in our bodies. I've been doing some trauma healing and the sessions have helped me greatly for release. The more you can be open to your body's healing, the more powerful the healing can be. I had an amazing spiritual experience in our last session. I look forward to continuing on my healing journey with Jennifer. So thankful for her gift and highly recommend her!”

— Trina T

“Reiki first experience! Wowza! What an amazing experience. Jennifer tuned into me and my bodies needs immediately! It was exhilarating and and a gift of healing that I really can't put into words. Jennifer is so gifted and I am so grateful I was introduced her and her brilliant work. Thank you!”

— Liz

“My only thought going into the Somatic Breathwork Session was that I hope it is a positive experience. My experience was not only positive, it was powerful. The best part includes both the emotional release and discovering what my body is communicating to my mind. Somatic Breathwork should be considered for anyone seeking holistic wellness and I whole-heartedly recommend a session with Jen.”

— Amy Fager

“Jennifer, is a natural and has a true calling.  This session was amazing.  My take away was feeling like I "dumped the garbage of my day" and was left feeling light and bright. I have some big things going on in my life and this sense of peace was really a nice change in my day. Thanks, Jen” 

— Rachel Bracali

“When I first heard 'breath work' I thought it would be very woo, woo.  However, it felt more like a guided meditation and the hour went by much faster than I expected.  The experience was surprisingly good and I would do it again.”

— Jene Acee

“Jen is an amazing Breathwork practitioner, I felt an out of  body experience and gained so much clarity. Her knowledge & intuition too was incredible.” 

— JoAnn Cobb